Here I will try my best to record any and all happenings in my life that I feel are of relative importance to my personal growth as a jazz listener/performer. This will include, but is not limited to: my attendance at live performances, educational encounters with teachers/mentors/etc., personal discoveries, goals, challenges, difficulties, successes, jam sessions, transcriptions, etc etc etc.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Patterns and Comping

-Since I've started playing with these guys, I've stopped practicing on my own (kind of ironic); I need to keep working on my voicings, being more effective in the rhythm section should be my top priority, but also, can't stand to stop practicing improvising altogether; it seems like the separate practice of both of those can compliment each other, if undertaken diligently.
-Propose to recommence attacking the following areas in earnest:

Chord Voicings: (for now we'll try one of each at a time, per week, or until 'proficient'; pull from transcriptions)
  • in thirds ( basic 'bebop style', need to move them into a higher register than what I'm playing now)
  • in fourths
  • block chords (priority over fourths ?)
Change Running patterns Etc. (one of each per week)
  • Bebop pattern (takes priority)
  • Whole Tone pattern
  • Diminished pattern

Should brush up on playing my basic half-step/whole-step dimished scales and whole-step/half-step diminished scales.

When I will start working on pentatonics ? Maybe get a leg up on them by just running through the scales and their modes in all 12 keys ?

Need to continue sight-reading through Bach Inventions and maybe some Chopin (?)


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