Here I will try my best to record any and all happenings in my life that I feel are of relative importance to my personal growth as a jazz listener/performer. This will include, but is not limited to: my attendance at live performances, educational encounters with teachers/mentors/etc., personal discoveries, goals, challenges, difficulties, successes, jam sessions, transcriptions, etc etc etc.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Graham's English Blog

Another interesting musician's blog, lots of articles, sound samples; the guy is very accomplished already; also advertises an absolute pitch development program that he developed himself=> sounds too good to be true, but what if eh?

(has lots of sound samples of his recordings, for the most part very clean, very nicely done, obviously knows what he's talking about)
(has articles etc., but too many ads)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bass Player

-Kenta found us a bass player, Alex, from the local high school
-plays the upright and is great at it; I wonder what he thinks of our arrangements, and of my fledgling status;
-we record tomorrow!?

Patterns and Comping

-Since I've started playing with these guys, I've stopped practicing on my own (kind of ironic); I need to keep working on my voicings, being more effective in the rhythm section should be my top priority, but also, can't stand to stop practicing improvising altogether; it seems like the separate practice of both of those can compliment each other, if undertaken diligently.
-Propose to recommence attacking the following areas in earnest:

Chord Voicings: (for now we'll try one of each at a time, per week, or until 'proficient'; pull from transcriptions)
  • in thirds ( basic 'bebop style', need to move them into a higher register than what I'm playing now)
  • in fourths
  • block chords (priority over fourths ?)
Change Running patterns Etc. (one of each per week)
  • Bebop pattern (takes priority)
  • Whole Tone pattern
  • Diminished pattern

Should brush up on playing my basic half-step/whole-step dimished scales and whole-step/half-step diminished scales.

When I will start working on pentatonics ? Maybe get a leg up on them by just running through the scales and their modes in all 12 keys ?

Need to continue sight-reading through Bach Inventions and maybe some Chopin (?)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Wayne Shorter Quartet

-went with Paul; at Mondavi Center's Jackson Hall
-Wayne Shorter, Brian Blade, John Patittucci, Danilo Perez
-Crazy interplay; the first song was 40 minutes long!
-Sometimes felt as if the music was hanging by a thread, about to slip and I'm on the edge of my seat; all sorts of tension and release going on; at times stark, at other sweet, beautiful, explosive, raw, moody, tender, evocative, thunderous....amazing musicianship; at time I felt as if Brian Blade's virtuosity was the only thing holding group together, giving the music structure, shading, texture.